Şunun için tam çeviri sonucu bulunamadı nuclear weapons

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  • The Conference also calls upon the non-nuclear-weapon States to refrain from any activities designed to develop nuclear weapons capability.
    كما يوجد التزام بإنجاز جرد عام للمواد النووية كل سنة.
  • The Conference calls on the nuclear-weapon States to forego any efforts to research and develop new types of nuclear weapons or other nuclear explosive devices.
    (أ) القانون رقم 28028 - تنظيم استخدام مصادر الإشعاع المؤين، الذي اعتُمد في عام 2003.
  • The Conference welcomes the readiness of nuclear-weapon States to provide future security assurances to non-nuclear-weapon States within the context of nuclear-weapon-free-zones, and encourages further steps to be taken to bring into effect the assurances provided by nuclear-weapons-free zone treaties and their protocols.
    التعاون الدولي في مجال استخدام الطاقة النووية للأغراض السلمية
  • The Conference calls upon the nuclear-weapon States to refrain from nuclear sharing for military purposes under any kind of security arrangements, among themselves, with non-nuclear-weapon States and with States not party to the Treaty.
    وخلصت عمليات التفتيش واستعراض الوكالة للتقارير إلى أن البلد يمتثل للالتزامات التي عقدها.
  • Pending the achievement of nuclear disarmament, the Conference calls upon the nuclear-weapon States to resolve further to restrict the deployment of nuclear weapons, their operational readiness and their potential role as defined in national security doctrines.
    وتشمل الضوابط المعمول بها ما يلي:
  • The Conference calls upon the nuclear-weapon States to respect fully their existing commitments with regard to security assurances pending the conclusion of multilaterally negotiated legally binding security assurances for all non-nuclear weapon States Party.
    (و) لائحة تنفيذ القانون رقم 27757، التي تنص تحديدا على أصناف المصادر والمعدات التي يخضع استيرادها للرقابة وكذلك على شروط دخولها للبلد.
  • The Conference recognizes that the non-nuclear-weapon States parties to the Treaty reaffirmed their commitment not to receive the transfer from any transferor whatsoever of nuclear weapons or other nuclear explosive devices, or of control over such weapons or explosive devices directly, or indirectly, not to manufacture or otherwise acquire nuclear weapons or other nuclear explosive devices, and not to seek or receive any assistance in the manufacture of nuclear weapons or other nuclear explosive devices.
    وكانت عمليات التفتيش الوطنية تتم بطريقة روتينية وتشمل التحقق عموما من عناصر الوقود الجديدة المخزونة والعناصر الموجودة في قلب المفاعل والحوض الفرعي وتحديدها، بالنسبة للمفاعل البالغة قدرته 10 ميغاوات.
  • The Conference recalls the unilateral declarations by the nuclear-weapon States as recognized by United Nations Security Council Resolution 984 (1995) regarding the provision of security assurances for non-nuclear-weapon States Parties to the Treaty, and the expectations of the 1995 Review and Extension Conference and the 2000 Review Conference that further steps should be recommended to assure non-nuclear weapon States parties to the Treaty against the use or threat of use of nuclear weapons.
    (هـ) القانون رقم 27757 المتعلق بتقييد الواردات قصد تنظيم دخول مصادر ومعدات الإشعاع للبلد؛
  • d Affecté à un projet de recherche intitulé « Working Our Way to a Nuclear-Weapon-Free World ».
    (د) تبرع مخصص لمشروع بحثي عنوانه ”مواصلة مسيرتنا نحو عالم خال من الأسلحة النووية“.
  • The Conference seeks affirmation by the nuclear-weapon States that they will place, as soon as practicable, fissile material designated as no longer required for weapons purposes under IAEA or other relevant international verification, and, welcoming work already undertaken on the development of verification capabilities for nuclear disarmament, urges that such work be initiated by those nuclear-weapon States not already doing so.
    (ج) لائحة السلامة الإشعاعية، التي اعتُمدت بموجب المرسوم السامي رقم 009-97، والتي تنص على الشروط التقنية للسلامة والحماية من الإشعاع المؤين، بالنسبة للعمال المعرضين له وكذلك بالنسبة لعامة الناس والمرضى الذين يُفحصون بواسطة الأشعة؛